Saturday, November 14, 2009

Across the water

It's late and I want sleep. I dont know why I decided to come up with a blog close to 1am but alas I cannot go back now.....or can I ?? Its so late and my eyelids are drooping and I might forget my password and never be able to access this account again..... but I will take that risk. I named my blog,'across the water' for a few its a play on a phrase by Plath one of my all time favourite poets...and one...I sometimes go to the oceanshore and gaze out...wondering how different my life could have been if I had made different much is up to me and how much is just destiny how much I really I have any control, or is everything a chance and chemical reaction to each other and I am like a bouncing atom,helpless to the wind of chance. That is all for now.

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